Mon, 02 Jan 2023


These days, natural farming is all the rage, with a lot of organizations getting fired up about it, including the Indian government, specifically the NITI Aayog, which is promoting it throughout the entire nation. The practice of organic farming has been around for a very long time. What’s all the fuss about, then? While supporters discuss the negative effects of chemical pesticides and their residues, detractors claim that organic farming cannot provide a solution for the world’s growing population. And right now, we have a brand-new technique called natural farming! Before diving into the topic, it is important to understand the jargon that is currently in use.

Difference between Organic and Natural Farming. 

Farmyard manure (FYM) and chemical fertilizers and pesticides can both be used in farming, according to the term “chemical farming.” Organic farming prohibits the use of chemical inputs while permitting the use of FYM, Ganajeevamrutha, Panchagavya, and Agnihastra (Natural Growth Promoter and Natural Pest Repellent, Natural Cow Manure) produced in factories or laboratories.

  1. A specialized form of organic farming known as natural farming only permits bio-inputs that have been prepared on the farmer’s farm. Natural farming also forbids the use of bio-inputs produced in factories or laboratories, unlike organic farming, which does not allow them. On-site preparation of all fertilizers and pesticides is required. The indigenous cow, whom we all revere as Gau Mata since ancient times, is the primary force driving natural farming in this region. According to contemporary science, any herbivorous animal’s dung and urine can be used in organic farming. The idea of agroecological farming is also widely used in the West, but that is the extent of western science today. Even though there is more research now about the advantages of indigenous systems (medicine, seeds, inputs), it still has a long way to go before it can catch up to the sutras imparted by the ancient rishis. 

Table 1

Crop19141948 (average)1992
Calcium248.00 mg38.75 mg47.00 mg
Magnesium66.00 mg29.60 mg15.00 mg
Iron1.50 mg5.70 mg0.59 mg
Calcium265.50 mg38.50 mg19.00 mg
Magnesium112.00 mg31.20 mg9.00 mg
Iron94.00 mg26.25 mg0.50 mg
Calcium227.30 mg71.75 mg99.00 mg
Magnesium122.00 mg125.40 mg79.00 mg
Iron64.00 mg80.15 mg2.70 mg

Source: The Healing Power of Minerals by Paul Bergner, Prima Publishing 1997

Its ethos has been lost in the fast-paced routine of modern life. We’ve forgotten that if we poison (use chemical pesticides) our lands, we will end up with pesticide residues in our food. We will receive nutrient-dense food if we provide nutrition! The issue with the way food is produced in today’s world is that we expect our food to be nutritious despite the fact that it is grown using poisons. The nutrition content of our food has decreased over the years as a result of the extensive use of chemicals, as shown in Table 1. 

Table 1 shows the decline in mineral content in some vegetables between 1914 and 1992. (Per 100 Grams)Who We Are? We are Pasuthai Bangalore India’s First ISO certified Goshala. We are manufacturers of Organic fertilizers, Organic Pesticides, and Organic Bio Manure. Our raw materials are sourced from Only Desi Cows or Indian Breed Cow. We are involved in the protection and development of Indigenous cows. Our products are used in Agriculture, Rooftop Gardening, and Terrace Gardening.
